What is FND?

***Disclaimer*** I am not a medical specialist nor am I an expert in FND I just happen to experience it. Please always seek medical attention.

You may have never heard of FND also known as Functional Neurological Disorder. It is a diagnosis given to people who have a problem with how their brain and nervous system send out signals.

The neurological condition mimics the symptoms of the following diseases:

  • Parkinson’s’ Disease

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Brain Tumour

  • Epilepsy

  • MS

However, as tests don’t appear positive on MRI scans or any other brain imaging patients are often dismissed and told to go home with a link to a website. And historically patients were referred to CBT and graded therapy exercises.

As the condition is medically unexplained it can leave people feeling ‘abandoned’ and left to figure it out for themselves.

I managed to make a 70% recovery through research and lots of trial and error. We have compiled a resources page you can use for more information. Please always seek medical attention with your symptoms and seek advice from medical specialists.


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